Pro Series Spirit Still Pro Series Spirit Stills Pro Series Stripping Stills Financing available through Brewery Finance and North Star Leasing
Still & Distilling Controllers Bottling & Filtering Equipment The picture above is of 1 of our Custom Pro Series Direct Fire Stills. If you would like to visit the Distillery to see this still in operation and hear what the owner has to say about this still just email us and we will send you the contact information. To See Our Catalog with all of our different products CLICK HERE |
New Signature Series Stills Any of the still configurations that we have listed below can be upgraded to our Signature Series. Our Signature Series Stills are incredibly beautiful, very high quality stills with a bit of an old world flair. If you want to really wow your customers during tours and tasting, the Signature series has the extra bling and style that you may be looking for without the huge price tag of comparable German made stills. Please see the pics of one of our Signature Series Stills below.
We have 200 gallon Pro Series Stills in Several different configurations.
The drawing above is of our 200 gallon Jacketed, Steam Heated, Pro Series Pot Still. These 200 gallon Stills must be heated by Low Pressure Steam Boilers. Click on the Low Pressure Steam Boiler link to the left to see them. This 200 gallon Still is 11' 4" tall. The width of the still including the condenser is 12'. This Still is great for producing Whiskey, Bourbon, Moonshine and Brandy. This 200 gallon Pot Still will produce up to 140 Proof with the Optional Bubble Plate. This Still comes standard with:
Regular Price: $24,882.88 1/3 Payment due when equipment is ordered. 1/3 Payment due when equipment is completed. 1/3 Payment due plus shipping when the equipment is ready to ship. Options: Bubble Plate with Drain Valve behind the Sight Glass in the Column: $2,133.65 Upgrade to an 16" Manway: $509.25 Gin Basket in the Globe of the Scotch Column with a 10" Tri Clamp: $1,160.30 Bain Marie Style 44,000 Watt Electric Oil Bath Heating System With Controller $9,386.25 Extra Thermowell in the column for a Temperature Probe: $83.80 CIP System with Plumbing and Pump: $4,867.80 Gin Basket just before the Primary Condenser: $3,809.64 To order additional options, please call 417-778-6908. The picture below is of 1 of our Pro Series Whiskey Stills. If you would like to visit the Distillery to see this still in operation and hear what the owner has to say about this still, just email us and we will send you the contact information.
The picture above is of one of our 200 gallon Jacketed, Steam Heated, Pro Series Whiskey Stills. This Still comes standard with our 10" 4 plate Bubble Plate Column . This column will produce up to 160 proof in 1 run. The Dephlegmator (Pre-Condenser) can be turned off and the Drain Valves of the Whiskey Column can be opened so that the still can be ran in Pot Still Mode. Any individual Plate Drain Valves or any combination of the Plate Drain Valves can be ran closed or open to obtain different proofs and flavor profiles. If you want you can do stripping runs in Pot Still Mode and then do Spirit Runs with the plates closed and the Drain Valves off. This 200 Gallon Whiskey Still must be heated by a Low Pressure Steam Boiler. Click on the Low Pressure Steam Boiler link above to see them. This 200 gallon Still is 11' 4" tall. The width of the Still including the condenser is 12'. This Still is great for producing Whiskey, Bourbon, Moonshine and Brandy. The 4 Plate Copper Whiskey Column will give you higher proof and smoother spirits than the Pro Series Pot Still. This 200 gallon Still comes standard with:
Regular Price: $26,898.13 1/3 Payment due when ordering equipment. 1/3 Payment due when equipment is completed. 1/3 Payment due plus shipping due when equipment is ready to ship. Options: Upgrade to an 16" Manway: $509.25 Bain Marie Style 44,000 Watt Electric Oil Bath Heating System With Controller $9,386.25 Extra Thermowell in the column for a Temperature Probe: $83.80 CIP System with Plumbing and Pump: $5,354.58 Gin Basket just before The Primary Condenser: $3,809.64 To order additional options, please call 417-778-6100. The drawing below is of our 200 Gallon Pro Series, 4 Plate Whiskey Still
Below is a Pro Whiskey Still with the optional gin basket
The drawing above is of one of our 200 gallon Jacketed, Steam Heated, Pro Series, Ultra Pro Whiskey Stills. This Still comes with 2 Copper Columns. The Copper Scotch Column sets on the Still while the 10", 4 plate Bubble Plate Column is offset with it's own stand. The individual plate drain valves in the 4 Plate Whiskey Column can be opened or closed allowing for better control of flavor profiles and proof. The Dephlegmator at the top of the Whiskey Column is used to Control Proof. With the optional Bubble Plate in the Scotch Column this Still will produce up to 160 proof in 1 run. If you are doing a stripping run, or if you are doing a full flavored Brandy there is a bypass valve that allows you to bypass the 4 Plate Whiskey Column so that you are only running alcohol through the Scotch Column. This 200 Gallon Still must be heated by a Low Pressure Steam Boiler. Click on the Low Pressure Steam Boiler link to the left to see them. This 200 gallon Still is 11' 4" tall but it can be scaled down to 9' 10" Tall. The width of the Still including the condenser is 16'. This Still is great for producing Whiskey, Bourbon, Moonshine, Brandy, Rum and Gin (with the optional Gin Basket). This 200 gallon Ultra Pro Whiskey Still comes standard with:
Regular Price: $33,809.35 1/3 Payment due when ordering equipment. 1/3 Payment due when equipment is completed. 1/3 Payment plus shipping due when equipment is ready to ship. Options: Bubble Plate with Drain Valve behind the Sight Glass in the Column: $2,133.65 Upgrade to an 16" Manway: $509.25 Bain Marie Style 44,000 Watt Electric Oil Bath Heating System With Controller $9,386.25 Extra Thermowell in the Columns for a Temperature Probe: $83.80 Extra Thermowell above the Dephlegmator for a Temperature Probe: $83.80 CIP System with Plumbing and Pump: $5,890.38 Gin Basket in the Globe of the Scotch Column with a 10" Tri Clamp: $1,160.30 Gin Basket just before the Primary Condenser: $3,809.64 To order additional options, please call 417-778-6100.
Below is one of our Ultra Pro Whiskey Stills with the optional copper boiler top, CIP and gin basket
The still below is a Bain Marie style still with its own built in oil bath heating system
The drawing above is of our 200 gallon Jacketed, Steam Heated, Pro Series Vodka Stills. This still will produce great Whiskey, Vodka and everything in between. This Still comes with 1 Copper Column and 1 Stainless Column. The individual Plate Drain Valves in the 4 Plate Copper Whiskey Column can be opened or closed allowing for better control of flavor profiles and proof. The Dephlegmator at the top of the Whiskey Column is used to Control Proof. The 10" Diameter Stainless Steel Vodka Column has 12 bubble plates and a Dephlegmator in the top. This Still will produce 190 proof Vodka in 2 Runs. The 4 plate Whiskey Column will produce up to 160 proof in 1 run. If you want to do a stripping run, you simply open the Plate Drain valves and the plates in the Copper Whiskey Column and you bypass the Vodka Column or if you are doing a Vodka you open the bypass for the Vodka Column and you run the Vapor through both Columns. This 200 Gallon Still must be heated by a Low Pressure Steam Boiler. Click on the Low Pressure Steam Boiler link above to see them. This 200 gallon Still is 14' 7" tall. The width of the Still including the condenser is 15' 4". This Still is great for producing Whiskey, Bourbon, Moonshine, Brandy, Rum and Gin (with the optional Gin Basket) and Vodka. This 200 gallon Pro Series Vodka Still comes standard with:
Regular Price: $42,139.24
1/3 Payment due when ordering equipment. 1/3 Payment due when equipment is completed. 1/3 Payment plus shipping due when equipment is ready to ship. Options: Upgrade to an 16" Manway: $509.25 Bain Marie Style 44,000 Watt Electric Oil Bath Heating System With Controller $9,386.25 Extra Thermowell in the columns for a Temperature Probes: $83.80 Extra Thermowell above the Dephlegmators for a Temperature Probe: $83.80 CIP System with Plumbing and Pump: $7,526.97 Gin Basket just before the Primary Condenser: $3,809.64 To order additional options, please call 417-778-6100. The picture below is of one of our Pro Series Vodka Stills
The drawing above is of our 200 gallon Jacketed, Steam Heated, Pro Series Ultra Pro Vodka Still. This still will do everything that the Pro Series Vodka Still will do and more. It will produce great Whiskey, Brandy, Rum, Gin, Vodka and everything in between. This Still comes with 1 Copper Scotch Column on the Boiler, 1 Copper 4 Bubble Plate Whiskey Column and 1 Stainless 16 Bubble Plate Vodka Column. The individual Plate Drain Valves in the 4 Plate Copper Whiskey and the 16 Plate Vodka Column can be opened or closed allowing for better control of flavor profiles and proof. The Dephlegmators at the top of the Whiskey Column and Vodka Column are used to control proof. The 10" Diameter Stainless Steel Vodka Column has 16 bubble plates and a Dephlegmator in the top. With the Vodka Column on line this still will produce 190 proof Vodka in 1 run. For best results a stripping run should be done using only the Scotch Column, then the Vodka Run should be done with the low wines from the stripping run. The 4 plate Whiskey Column will produce up to 160 proof in 1 run. If you want to do a stripping run, you bypass the Whiskey Column and the Vodka Column with the 2 bypass valves or if you are doing a Vodka you you simply run the vapor through all 3 columns. This 200 Gallon Whiskey Still can be heated by a Low Pressure Steam Boiler. Click on the Low Pressure Steam Boiler link to the left to see them. This 200 gallon Still is 17' 7" tall. The width of the Still including the condenser is 17' 4". This Still is great for producing: Whiskey, Bourbon, Moonshine, Brandy, Rum and Gin (with the optional Gin Basket) and Vodka. This 200 gallon Pro Series Ultra Pro Vodka Still comes Standard with:
Regular Price: $49,050.47
1/3 Payment due when ordering equipment. 1/3 Payment due when equipment is completed. 1/3 Payment plus shipping due when equipment is ready to ship. Options: Bubble Plate with Drain Valve behind the Sight Glass in the Column: $2,133.65 Upgrade to an 16" Manway: $509.25 Bain Marie Style 44,000 Watt Electric Oil Bath Heating System With Controller $9,386.25 Extra Thermowell in the columns for a Temperature Probes: $83.80 Extra Thermowell above the Dephlegmators for a Temperature Probe: $83.80 CIP System with Plumbing and Pump: $8,363.30 Gin Basket in the Globe of the Scotch Column with a 10" Tri Clamp Hatch: $1,160.30 Gin Basket just before the Primary Condenser: $3,809.64 To order additional options, please call 417-778-6100. T he Still below is 1 of our 1st Generation Pro Series Vodka Stills. If you would like to see this still in operation and visit with the owner at his distillery, email us at
The Ultra Pro Vodka Still below also has the optional CIP system
The Ultra Pro Vodka Still below has the vodka column split into 2 and it also has the optional gin basket & CIP system
The Still Above is 1 of our 1st Generation Pro Series Ultra Pro Vodka Stills with CIP.